Capital: Funafuti Land area: 26 km² Region: Polynesia
Tuvalu is a Polynesian island country located in the Pacific Ocean. It comprises 3 reef islands and 6 true atolls spread out between the latitude of 5° to 10° south and longitude of 176° to 180°, west of the International Date Line.
Population Pyramid
PDH.stat datasets
- .statAbout PICTsThis table provides a series of non-statistical information about Pacific Islands Countries and Territories (PICTs).
- .statOverseas visitor arrivalsOverseas visitors include sea and air arrivals. It includes excursionists/same-day-visitors i.e. visitors from the cruise ship as well. [...]
- .statBalance of paymentsBalance of payments data from IMF’s Balance of Payment analytical presentation per country for Pacific Island Countries and Territories.
- .statCOVID-19 cases in Pacific Island Countries and TerritoriesStatistics from SPC's Public Health Division (PHD) on the number of cases of COVID-19 and the number of deaths attributed to COVID-19 in Pacific Island [...]
- .statCivil Registration Completeness within 12 months of Birth or DeathEstimations of civil registration completeness within 12 months of birth or 12 months of death. [...]
Country Key Reports
pdfTuvalu National Population Housing Census 2012_Migration, Urbanisation and Youth Monograph Report
PDF | 1.13 MB
pdfTuvalu population & housing mini-census 2017 report
PDF | 2.84 MB
pdfTUVALU 1991 Census_Vol2_Analytical Report
PDF | 1.26 MB
Household Income and Expenditure Surveys
pdfTuvalu 2022 household income and expenditure survey report
PDF | 4.54 MB
pdfGuidelines for the harmonisation of census and survey microdata
PDF | 6.43 MB
pdfTuvalu household income and expenditure survey (HIES), Report 2015-2016
PDF | 2.97 MB
Demographic and Health Surveys
pdfTuvalu demographic and health survey 2007
PDF | 3.04 MB
Civil Registration and Vital Statistics
pdfCurriculum for ICD-11 coding of causes of death: for Pacific Island countries and territories
PDF | 9.84 MB
pdfGuidance for Collection and Processing of Cause-of-Death Data in the Civil Registration and Vital Statistics System - A Review of Good Practices
PDF | 3.55 MB | Disclaimer
pdfTuvalu_Assessment Analysis and Redesign of CRVS System 2024
PDF | 10.49 MB
General listing of Tuvalu, datasets and publications.
Latest statistics and releases from the Statistics Department, including CPI releases, downloads Yearbooks, and more.
Providing information on the work the Government is doing for the people of Tuvalu.
Documented Censuses and Surveys related to Tuvalu.
Requests for download of microdata for selected datasets is possible.
The Pacific Environment Portal provides an easy way to find, access and reuse regional and national data.
Statistics Act available via Pacific Islands Legal Information Institute.