Capacity Development Support Programme

SDD supports development of statistical and data capacity in Pacific Island countries and territories at system, organisation and individual level.

Strengthening capacity for statistics and evidence-based policymaking is crucial for realising the vision of a future where all Pacific peoples, economies, and environments benefit from better data and evidence-based decision-making for sustainable development, as envisaged in the Strategic Framework for Pacific Statistics 2022–2030.  

To support this goal, the Pacific Community (SPC) has a work program dedicated to evaluating capacity and capability needs and developing targeted solutions to assist countries and territories throughout the Pacific in coordination with a range of partners.

Key documents and initiatives related to capacity development are below:

Capacity Development Framework

The purpose of the Capacity Development Framework is to ensure that statistical capacity in the Pacific region is strengthened through a well-articulated and coordinated program of actions that addresses known capacity needs at the system, organisational, and individual levels.

Capacity Development Framework for Statistics in the Pacific

Capacity Development Working Group

A Working Group on Capacity Development (WG-CD) is being established to guide and support the development of robust statistical systems and practices across relevant sectors in Pacific Island countries and territories (PICTs). The WG-CD will support the implementation of the Capacity Development Framework (CDF) for statistics in the Pacific.

Working Group on Capacity Development Terms of Rererence

Comprehensive Needs Assessment

The Comprehensive Needs Assessment Report summarises strategic challenges towards improved statistical capacities and provides a stocktake of existing statistics related functional capacities and associated skills-gaps in Pacific Island countries and territories.

Survey Report

Recent Documents

The Pacific food trade database: a method for cleaning international food trade data for regional analysis
Samoan food portion quantification manual
GN4 Imputation of housing rent in consumption aggregate
Introductory Guidance Note (GN)
GN1 Monetary Poverty Measurement
GN2 Microdata Dissemination
GN3 Sampling guidelines for the Pacific
Guidelines for setting and monitoring the goals and targets of the Regional Action Framework on Civil Registration and Vital Statistics in Asia and the Pacific
Statistical Innovation and Capacity Building in the Pacific Islands Project (PACSTAT): project operation manual
Guidelines for the harmonisation of census and survey microdata
Pacific Business Register Development Guide
QGIS for Census and Survey Mapping 2022 update for QGIS 3.22 Long Term Release: training manual
Statistical Innovation and Capacity Building in the Pacific Islands Project (PACSTAT): 2021 annual work plan
Statistical Innovation and Capacity Building in the Pacific Islands Project (PACSTAT): operations manual - Financial Management Manual
Statistical Innovation and Capacity Building in the Pacific Islands Project (PACSTAT): operations manual: Section 10: Procurement Manual and Procurement Plan
Statistical Innovation and Capacity Building in the Pacific Islands Project (PACSTAT): Labour Management Procedures
Best practice guidelines for digital Civil Registration and Vital Statistics (CRVS) systems - draft for consultation
Data Analysis and Report Writing for Civil Registration and Vital Statistics
Best Practice Guidelines and Examples of Legislature for Civil Registration and Vital Statistics in the Pacific, Vol 2 (2019)
Pacific Nutrient Database User Guide: a tool to facilitate the analysis of poverty, nutrition and food security in the Pacific region
Capacity for producing economic statistics in the Pacific
Optimising the collection of consumption data produced through household income and expenditure survey (HIES)