Census and Survey Calendar

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Use the previous and next 5 years buttons to navigate through the calendar.

If details and/or report are available, the title will become clickable (underlined).
Depending on the status of a collection, those which are underlined link to:

  • the associated questionnaire, or
  • the final collection report, or
  • the documented study on the Microdata Library (which may include access to microdata)

Download the list of all census and surveys in CSV format

Pacific Island Countries 2029 2030 2031 2032 2033
American Samoa
Cook Islands
Federated States of Micronesia
Fiji (Republic of)
French Polynesia
Mariana Islands (CNMI)
Marshall Islands (Republic of)
Pitcairn Islands
Solomon Islands
New Caledonia
Papua New Guinea
Vanuatu (Republic of)
Wallis and Futuna
 Agric - Agricultural census / survey
 BRFSS - Behavioural Risk Factor Surveillance Survey
 BES - Business Economic Survey
 Business - Business survey
 COVID - COVID-19 Rapid Assessment Survey
 DHS - Demographic and Health Survey
 Disab - Disability survey
 FIDSS - Financial Inclusion Demand Side Survey
 GES - Gender and Environment Survey
 HIES - Household Income and Expenditure Survey
 HHL - Household Listing
 LFS - Labour force survey
 MICS - Multiple indicator cluster survey
 MICS PLUS - Multiple indicator cluster survey PLUS
 MICS-DHS - Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey with additional Demographic and Health Survey modules
 Other - Other Census and Surveys
 PHC - Population and Housing Census
 YRBSS - Youth Risk Behavioural Surveillance Survey
 Tablet-based (CAPI)
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