Webinar 1: International developments in Census methods in recent years: A review of the 2010 round and future prospects

Kind of event
Joint Partner
BAG, UNSD, Paris21

​Areas to be covered

  • Introduction to the scope, aims and format of the project.
    Outline of the programme.
  • Background to census approaches (UN), developments in traditional censuses in recent years, summary of countries using different methods.
    The 2020 World Population and Housing Census Programme: the UN methodological Framework and the mid-decade assessment of census approaches.
  • Use of admin data for Covid-19 – opportunities to build relationships & data supplies.


Ian Cope worked at the UK Office for National Statistics for nearly 30 years; was responsible for the operational aspects of the 2011 Census in England and Wales; and was, until 2018, the Census Director for the 2021 Census. He also had responsibility for the ONS’ 'Admin Data Census' which seeks to explore the use of admin data to supplement the census after 2021. From August 2018 until February 2020 Ian was one of eight members of the New Zealand 2018 Census External Data Quality Assurance Panel as their ‘International Census Expert’ https://www.stats.govt.nz/news/2018-census-external-data-quality-panel-confirmed.

Meryem Demirci works for UN Statistics Division as Interregional Adviser on Population and Housing Censuses since 2013. Her main responsibility is to contribute to the implementation of the 2020 World Population and Housing Census Programme. She has been involved in the revisions of international guidelines on population and housing censuses and the production of new guidelines on the ‘Use of Electronic Data Collection Technologies in Censuses’ and ‘Measuring SDG Indicators from Population and Housing Census and Civil Registration Data’. She also organizes regional and inhouse training workshops and provides direct support to National Statistical Offices in planning and designing the 2020 round of censuses.

Steve Vale is the Regional Adviser in Statistics at UNECE. He has worked there for over 13 years, in various roles, including as head of the Statistical Management and Modernisation Unit, and Database Coordinator. Before that, he worked for 15 years at the UK Office for National Statistics, including secondments to Eurostat and the OECD. His main areas of expertise are modernising official statistics, data integration, the use of administrative and other non-statistical data sources, quality, and statistical business registers.

Useful Materials

Presentation Documents and Links
Programme Introduction remarks pdf
Ian Cope SPC Background to census approaches recent developments and a summary of country approach s pptx
UNSD Methodological framework and mid-decade assessment pptx
Steven Vale UNECE Opportunities to increase the use of administrative data in the Covid-19 crisis ppt
Recorded Webinars mov

Pacific Round Table session 1 on registers and administrative data

Presentation Documents and Links
Background of the project and recap of Webinar 1 pptx
Fiji Experience use of registers and administrative data pptx