This webinar will present the main findings of ADB’s forthcoming publication, the Social Protection Indicator in the Pacific, specifically providing an analysis of 2018 data on social protection programs in the 14 Pacific developing country members of ADB. Updating the 2015 analysis published in Social Protection Indicator for the Pacific: Assessing Progress (ADB 2019). In addition, the report has special chapters on disability, COVID 19, and a forward-looking chapter for the Pacific region. It considers how social protection programs in the Pacific can be made more inclusive, especially in relation to people with disabilities; how social protection can contribute to more resilient societies and economies in these countries, drawing on their experience of the COVID-19 pandemic; and what could be future directions for social protection in the subregion.
The report uses the Social Protection Indicator (SPI) to assess the nature and effectiveness of social protection both within and across the countries of the region. The SPI, developed by ADB in 2005 as a tool for monitoring and analyzing social protection programming and spending in the region, shows the level of resources invested in social protection, the extent of coverage, benefit levels, and the distribution of expenditure in terms of poverty, gender, and disability. Access the report's Executive Summary here.