Labour Statistics Standards and Data Processing Workshop

Suva, Fiji
Kind of event
Joint Partner

​The main objective of this training is to enhance the capacity of Fiji, Kiribati and Vanuatu to produce and analyse data from their respective labour force or related surveys (FBoS EUS 2023-2024, KIR HIES 2023-2024 and VUT 2024 pilot LFS), and contribute to updating information on the countries' labour markets, based on the latest international standards on labour statistics. The training covers conceptual introductions on work statistics including employment and labour underutilization, standards on work relationships, and statistics on the informal economy. Other topics will include employment-related earnings, persons involved in the subsistence production, and labour migration. The agenda includes various practical sessions on derivation and data processing of core labour force indicators from the surveys using STATA, as well as basic tabulations, contributing to preparing survey reports.