People with disabilities in the Pacific face deep inequalities and multiple barriers, despite steady progress in recognition of their rights. They constitute one of the most marginalised and vulnerable population groups in the region and are most at risk of being left behind. It is therefore necessary to have reliable, up-to-date and disaggregated data to inform policies that aim to address the barriers faced by persons with disabilities in all aspects of life.
The Pacific Regional Disability Conference is a regional event organised every two years to bring together, and builds partnerships between, national government disability focal points, organisations of persons with disabilities, and partners to support disability inclusive development in the Pacific. The 2025 conference on 7–9 May will be preceded by a 2-day workshop on Pacific Disability Statistics for NSO staff and other data analysts. The Disability Statistics Workshop will share information on the latest developments in disability statistics and enable feedback on new guidance in development for the Pacific. It is expected to cover topics including disability indicators, standard questionnaires, data collection protocols, monographs and other products, dissemination approaches, and analytical frameworks to capture disability-related information accurately and comprehensively. This workshop is being organised by SPC and its partners in the Pacific Group on Disability Statistics (PGDS).