Assessment, Analysis and Redesign of Civil Registration and Vital Statistics Processes (CRVS) NIUE


'This report documents the results of the work of the Niue’s CRVS stakeholders in assessing, analysing and redesigning birth and death registration processes using the ‘assessment, analysis, and redesign’ stage of the CRVS Systems Improvement Framework. Based on the methodology and the tools defined by the CRVS Systems Improvement Framework, Niue’s CRVS stakeholders, supported by a Country Coordinator and a Senior Advisor, organised a range of online and, when possible, in-person consultations to apply the Framework tools and develop detailed descriptions of existing birth and death registration business processes. This included a review of the sharing of registered information with social systems, analysing aspects of these processes affecting the performance of these processes and designing a vision of improved registration business processes to overcome performance bottlenecks and increase overall efficiency'. 

Read the Assessment, Analysis and Redesign of Civil Registration and Vital Statistics Processes (CRVS) NIUE.