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SDD Newsletter - August 2015

August 2, 2015
Pacific Census Commissioners and Government Statisticians met at SPC's headquarters end of july for an important Pacific Community planning meeting concerning the 2020 World Round of Population and Housing Censuses.

2020 World Round of Population and Housing Censuses - Pacific Islands plan upcoming meeting

July 16, 2015
Pacific Census Commissioners and Government Statisticians are meeting at the headquarters of the Secretariat of the Pacific Community (SPC) this week for an important Pacific Community planning meeting concerning the 2020 World Round of Population and Housing Censuses.

Vanuatu EMIS Training workshop

June 13, 2015
The EMIS training workshop involves the EMIS staff from both the Ministry of Education (MoE) in Fiji and Vanuatu that focuses on the Technical and the Training aspects of carrying out EMIS system.