Elsie Mehoba

Ms Elsie Mehoba

Statistics Analyst: Gender Equality, Disability and Social Inclusion
Analysis and Insights
Reports to: James Hogan
Location: Noumea
I speak:

About Elsie

Elsie Mehoba joined SPC in 2024 and brings eight years of experience in social statistics collection and analysis from working with University Sorbonne Nouvelle on evaluation of higher education and professional integration of graduates, and France’s longitudinal child abuse and neglect data collection project. Before joining the Pacific Community (SPC), Elsie was the statistics officer in the census teams in the national statistics offices of Wallis and Futuna.

She has a master’s degree in demography from the University of Strasbourg (France), a master’s in human and economic geography from the University of Abomey-Calavi (Benin), as well as certification in design, monitoring and evaluation of development projects from the International Training Centre of the International Labour Organization.

How I support stakeholders

  • Coordinating the Pacific Group on Disability Statistics project
  • Developing and improving Pacific gender, equality, disability and social inclusion (GEDSI) and related social statistics and indicators
  • Collecting, analysing, disseminating and communicating GEDSI and related social statistics and indicators
  • Providing technical assistance, training and support for Pacific Island countries and territories.