Evelyn Wareham

Ms Evelyn Wareham

Deputy Director (Leadership and Governance)
Statistics for Development Division
Reports to: Peter Ellis
Location: Suva
I speak:

About Evelyn

Evelyn joined SPC in 2023 to strengthen regional governance, analysis, and use of data and statistics by Pacific countries and territories, becoming Deputy Director of the Statistics for Development Division in 2025.

She is experienced as a chief data officer leading data strategy, information governance and organisational change for New Zealand’s Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment. She previously worked for Stats NZ as a general manager leading customer data service, microdata access, stakeholder engagement, data stewardship and environmental reporting. She led the rapid expansion of New Zealand’s Integrated Data Infrastructure as a world-leading research hub of anonymised, person-centred data. Evelyn has 15 years’ experience supporting information management and archival capacity across the Pacific Islands and developing global information management standards and collaboration, in New Zealand and France. She holds a master's degree in Pacific history and MIT change leadership studies.

How I support stakeholders

  • Advising heads of national statistics offices and supporting development of national statistics strategies and planning
  • Coordinating donor and development partner support for Pacific statistics
  • Convening regional governance bodies and guiding development of regional strategies, plans and guidelines
  • Supporting analysis and use of statistics and data by planners, government agencies and other stakeholders within countries
  • Leading cross-cutting analysis on SDGs, gender, disability and climate change.