Data Tools
Here you can access a range of online data products and tools:
- Indicators (.stat) - indicator database explorer which contains the 132 Pacific Sustainable Development Indicators (SDGs) as well as a range of economic, health, demographic and environmental datasets (replaces National Minimum Development Indicator Database - NMDI;
- Mapping (coastal) - dissemination platform which contains population figures and spatial layers in relation to numbers of people living within 1km, 5km and 10km of the coast across all 22 Pacific Island Countries and Territories;
- Mapping (PopGIS) - online mapping applications which allow users to explore primarily Population and Housing Census Datasets for a collection of Pacific Island Countries and Territories. There is also a regional application which displays a subset of the indicators in .stat;
- Microdata Library - online census and survey documentation and archiving application which also provides access to microdata for some collections.
Here you can access a range of online resources:
- Methodology Knowledge Base - contains a collection of resources (documents, presentations, videos) to assist anyone wishing to embark on a population-based census or survey;
- Regional Classifications - classification systems and associated documentation for classifications such as The Pacific Harmonized; Commodity Description and Coding System 2017 (PACHS17), The Pacific Standard Classification of Occupations (PACSCO) 2016 and the Pacific Classification of Individual Consumption According to Purpose (PACCOICOP) 2012;
- Census and Surveys calendar - Past and future PICTs Major Statistical Collections, with links to download reports when available;
- Guides and Training Material - guides which may or may not have been developed as part of training or a workshop, training material including PowerPoint presentations, manuals, interactive tutorials and videos.
See also News & Publications for other types of resources.