All manuals and guides published by SDD are listed below, grouped by topics.
Specific workshops presentations and other specific training material can also be found under each workshop listed in under the Workshop Material tab below.
All videos produced for or during training workshops can also be found directly under our SDD Youtube account.
Data Analysis and Report Writing for CRVS
As countries work towards improving their CRVS systems, a number of countries are now in a position where their routine administrative processes either are able to, or will soon be able to generate reasonably reliable data. Ensuring that system improvements are reflected in an actual improvement in the availability and reliability of data is a key regional challenge. It is critical that this data is analysed, reported, and made available to decision makers. This may be a significant change for many NSO’s who have not previously had a clear role in the analysis or reporting of this data. This course book aims to build capacity in these areas.
Legislation for CRVS in the Pacific: Best Practice Guidelines
Many Pacific Island countries and territories have begun to review their legislation over the last five years with support under the Pacific Vital Statistics Action Plan using the WHO Comprehensive Assessment Tool for CRVS. As a result of these assessments, a number of countries have highlighted legislation improvement as a core priority at the national level. This document builds on the work undertaken to date in order to:
- provide an overview of the key legal issues and challenges facing the Pacific;
- develop an assessment tool that countries can use to assist them to implement best practice in upcoming legal reviews; and
- assist in facilitating the uptake of new opportunities in registry practice by ensuring countries have considered both current and future registry needs.
You will also find additional CRVS materials on our Sub-regional training on medical certification of causes of death page.
- Economy
Pacific Business Register Development Guide 2014
This guide is jointly produced by the Pacific Community (SPC) and the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) as part of their effort to provide leadership for statistical development in Pacific Island countries and territories (PICTs). It is a broad guide to assist the development and improvement of business registers in national statistical offices (NSOs) in PICTs, to ensure that:
- development progresses according to global best practice; and
- development occurs consistently and harmoniously within the Pacific region to allow better statistical comparability across borders and future cooperation between NSOs in the region.
IMTS Pacific Compilation Guide, 2021
The International Merchandise Trade Statistics Pacific Compilation Guide 2021 aims to address challenges faced by the National Statistics Offices of the Pacific
Island countries and territories to produce reliable and timely trade statistics needed by the various users, most importantly the government. The guide not only recommends the use of UNs recommended best practice, but it also outlines the steps necessary to produce International Merchandise Trade.
- GIS (Mapping)
QGIS for Census and Survey Mapping
This document details the steps required to:
- Plot and modify GPS Household locations,
- Create and modify administrative boundaries,
- Produce field maps for Supervisors and Enumerators, including automatic map production,
- Basic approach to raster datasets,
- Basic spatial analysis,
- Basic approach to geographical databases.
Tutorials to download:
- How to generate offline maps for survey solutions in QGIS
- Setting up offline maps in survey solutions server
See video below with full recording of workshop presentations, accessible through the Pacific Statistics YouTube channel:
- Online Dissemination
Regional National Statistics Office Web Administrators Workshop
See video below with full recording of workshop presentations, accessible through the Pacific Statistics YouTube channel: