3rd Pacific Statistics Methods Board (PSMB) Meeting - May 2019

Auckland, New Zealand
Kind of event

The third meeting of the Pacific Statistics Methods Board (PSMB) will occur from 23 to 24 May, 2019, at Statistics New Zealand's office in Auckland, New Zealand.

The meeting will cover the following topics:

  1. Regional Household Income and Expenditure Survey (HIES) Sampling Guidelines
    The Pacific Community (SPC), Statistics New Zealand, the Australian Bureau of Statistics, the World Bank and the United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific have collaborated in the preparation of guidelines towards sample design for household income and expenditure surveys in the Pacific region. The draft guidelines will be presented to the Board who will provide direction as to the way-forward for the guidelines. The regional sampling guidelines are a derivative product from the recent Regional HIES Sampling and Planning Workshop.
  2. Terms of reference for the Sampling Sub-Committee
    The second meeting of PSMB endorsed the formation of the Sampling Sub-Committee (PSMB Summary Report and Recommendations Oct 2018). The next meeting of PSMB will review and finalise the terms of reference of the Sub-Committee, which is a necessary committee when considering the challenges of robust sample design in small island Pacific states.
  3. Preliminary results of the Republic of the Marshall Islands Household Income and Expenditure Survey Experiment
    The field work for the RMI HIES Experiment (HIES in the Pacific region doc.) has been completed and the third meeting of the PSMB will bring together HIES data users to make recommendation to PSMB as to the optimal methodology to the collection of consumption data through Pacific HIES. Data users will also present on the efficacy of complementary survey modules, such as: economic activity, disability, food insecurity experience and fisheries. These modules were designed for inclusion in the HIES questionnaire to produce more comprehensive data and to avoid the need for stand-alone surveys. This marks an important milestone for HIES in the Pacific region which will improve the quality of data produced for use in policy and planning to address key regional issues, such as: poverty, over-and-undernourishment, food insecurity and economic development.

Useful Materials

Presentation Documents and Links
PSMB May 2019 Participants List pdf
PSMB May 2019 Agenda pdf
PSSC May 2019 Information note pdf
PSMB May 2019 Doc1 StatsNZ PSMB Service Offering pdf
PSMB May 2019 Doc2 Pacific Sampling Guidelines pdf
PSMB May 2019 Doc3 Sampling Subcommittee ToR pdf
PSMB May 2019 Pres2&3 Sampling Subcommittee ToR Guidelines pptx
PSMB May 2019 Doc4 SPC RMI HIES Experiment Project Summary pdf
PSMB May 2019 Pres4 SPC RMI HIES Experiment Project Summary pptx
PSMB May 2019 Doc5 SPC RMI HIES Experiment Field Team Feedback pdf
PSMB May 2019 Pres5 SPC RMI HIES Experiment Survey Monkey pptx
PSMB May 2019 Doc6 ILO RMI HIES Experiment Labour Force Module Evaluation pdf
PSMB May 2019 Pres6 ILO RMI HIES Experiment Labour Force pptx
PSMB May 2019 Doc7 FAO RMI HIES Experiment Food Insecurity Experience Scale pdf
PSMB May 2019 Pres7a FAO RMI HIES Experiment FIES pptx
PSMB May 2019 Pres7b SPC RMI HIES Experiment Partakers pptx
PSMB May 2019 Pres7c SPC RMI HIES Experiment Stocks pptx
PSMB May 2019 Pres7d FAO RMI HIES Experiment FAFH pptx
PSMB May 2019 Doc8 UNICEF RMI HIES Experiment Disabilty Disaggregation pdf
PSMB May 2019 Pres8 UNICEF RMI HIES Experiment pptx
PSMB May 2019 Doc9 SPC RMI HIES Experiment Fisheries Module Evaluation pdf
PSMB May 2019 Doc10 SPC RMI HIES Experiment Use for CPI pdf
PSMB May 2019 Doc11 PFTAC RMI HIES Experiment Use for National Accounts pdf
PSMB May 2019 Pres11 PFTAC RMI HIES Experiment National Accounts pptx
PSMB May 2019 FAO RMI HIES Experiment DEC pptx
PSMB May 2019 SPC RMI HIES Experiment Financial Implication pptx
PSMB May 2019 SPC RMI HIES Experiment WB UniWaikato Poverty pptx
PSMB May 2019 Report and Recommendations pdf